Tweets for 2010-10-26
October 27, 2010
- @thehistoryguy Aragorn's speech outside the gates of Mordor in Return of the King in reply to thehistoryguy ->
- @stevexfm already booked the day after off work just in case 🙂 just need to get a ticket now! in reply to stevexfm ->
- @femmaashraf add ribena? in reply to femmaashraf ->
- @femmaashraf you're just going to have to take the paracetamol on its own then and drink a glass of orange separate. in reply to femmaashraf ->
- @conslugarocko Want Hobbit to be filmed here so I have a better chance of dwarfnapping. in reply to conslugarocko ->
- there are some amaaazing gaslight anthem photos taken last thursday up on flickr ->
- @stevexfm here's that gaslight blog 🙂 ->
- Augh. Need to try and fix the tweet widget in my blog so that the tweets aren't sliced along one side. ->
- @smartmatt Mr T is AWESOME in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt only got freeview. and only downstairs. my little tv only has the 4 terrestrial channels. in reply to smartmatt ->
- @grrlinterrupted @silverturnsgrey He reminds me of the singer from Hard Fi. :/ in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …I don't understand the question. These names, they mean nothing to me 😀 @silverturnsgrey in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted BA-DUM TISSSH @silverturnsgrey in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @LordWinchester never too late in reply to LordWinchester ->
- ♥ The Gun by Sparrow and the Workshop #lastfm: ->
Tweets for 2010-10-25