Tweets for 2013-01-24
January 25, 2013
- @mrtonylee Not Sabrina-remake Harrison Ford? in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @sarahditum I like them 'cos it's like living in the future in reply to sarahditum ->
- @kiyala I don't see a problem with watching Desperate Romantics and Being Human on loop… in reply to kiyala ->
- @RonniPudding Still think it should be meese in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @silverturnsgrey *huuuugs* in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @grrlinterrupted I don't know, after the whole thing where you had to use your real name, I didn't join in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick Hah. I've only had people recognise me from Twitter at events where I'm not expecting to see anyone. It's…disconcerting in reply to sebpatrick ->
- I really love my internet radio. Best slightly too expensive frivolous purchase ever. ->
- One day, I'll take the Phonogram artwork I have out of its frame and straighten it. One day. ->
- Until then… I'm going to keep sticking gig tickets around it. So far I've found random ones going back to 2010 ->
- I am SURE though that I can locate the AMAZING AFI Nightmare After Christmas ticket from like '02. It was a thing of beauty ->
- Purple paper, embossed with red foil and all Nightmare Before Christmassy artwork on it. ->
- For a first proper gig, getting that ticket in the post was magical. I'm going to spend the day wearing the hoodie my Dad got me that day ->
- @kiyala Go forth and do it! in reply to kiyala ->
- Actually the ticket's probably with my copy of Clandestine. Which is somewhere. ->
- I won a signed photo of JJ72 and sent it to a friend in the States who liked them. She sent me Clandestine in return. ->
- Augh. I really want a new @AFI album with some kind of ridiculous mystery attached that I won't figure out again ->
- @grrlinterrupted Go for it. Do you have an AO3 acc? If not & you want one, let me know in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2013-01-23
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