Tweets for 2013-05-19
May 20, 2013
- @ladderax_1 Exactly. It's not as if Yahoo have a great record with this sort of thing. I have a feeling it'll end up being inconvenient in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 Whatever happens. Hopefully by then someone will have perfected a tumblr exporter 😀 in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 ALLL OF THIS. ALL OF IT. in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 yeah. I've got a perm acc on LJ, so I'm pretty invested there but… yeah. :/ in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @Xfm @xfm_lliana Did actually have that song at my Dad's cremation service. It was a right giggle. in reply to Xfm ->
- @Xfm @Xfm_Lliana Heh yeah, that and a mahoosive fan of the Doors to go with it 🙂 in reply to Xfm ->
- @teh_nos Oh God me too. in reply to teh_nos ->
- @nickmurftweets It's weird how Scotty just.. kills someone and it's never mentioned again. #IntoDarkness in reply to nickmurftweets ->
- In one of the rare occasions that I've actually got to do my job as my mum's Godmother, I've just explained the word "covet" ->
- Mum: "So coveting someone's wife isn't the same as adultery?" Me: "WHY WOULD IT BE IN THERE TWICE? OMG" ->
- @newloveletter I am not opposed to Kirk/Spock? Flail at me? in reply to newloveletter ->
- That moment where you remember you're going to a wedding on Friday and should really sort out the non-black bits of your outfit ->
- Mum's now moved onto sloth the animal and sloth the deadly sin ->
- @nedhepburn YOU'RE STILL ALIVE. 😀 <3<3 in reply to nedhepburn ->
- Mum: "Those two actors look the same." Me: "It's Robert De Niro….and Al Pacino." Mum: "There're not the same man?" ->
- @AceMakesWords That's what I said now. in reply to AceMakesWords ->
- @wanderlustlover Marian! Horse! ->
- @mstorijo …they were supposed to come back to life? in reply to mstorijo ->
Tweets for 2013-05-18