Tweets for 2016-12-13
December 14, 2016
- @JamesHunt :O Am I remembering correctly that you're a bit meh about new Trek too? Or did I hallucinate that one? in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @sebpatrick I remain obsessed with Stars Trek & Wars, but I don't think I could ever muster any interest in Spider-Man. hmm in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick @JamesHunt This is why I feel like I might have hallucinated that part in reply to sebpatrick ->
- Once again remembering that Richard Armitage is in Star Wars. ->
- @sebpatrick @JamesHunt THIS IS WHAT FANFIC IS FOR. And Beyond has space diplomacy! in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @JamesHunt @sebpatrick I feel like there should have been a warning in that the second one's title starts "STI" in reply to JamesHunt ->
- What if. What if Richard Armitage did Star Trek too? ->
- @JamesHunt @sebpatrick It baffles me that they just went ahead with that. I mean, I considered MY initials when I picked a confirmation name in reply to JamesHunt ->
- In other news, instead of doing any work today, we did an escape room. It was good times ->
Tweets for 2016-12-12