March 13, 2009
- @krazycat I’ve been getting a lot of that lately. I blame twitter being on tv. Damnit. in reply to krazycat #
- @rachelgeorge That’s kind of wrong. Mostly because I think of him as 15 year-old Pacey Witter. in reply to rachelgeorge #
- @krazycat I KNOW. Even Alan Davies is at it. Apparently. According to The Streets at least. in reply to krazycat #
- I’ve figured out why I’ve not updated my main website in forever AND can’t get back into my old interneting habits. Damn Second Life. #
- @krazycat I CAN’T HELP IT. We have a PC that can actually run SL tolerably well. AND I CAN BE A ROBOT. Or a cyborg. Or a tiny panda. in reply to krazycat #
- @krazycat Incidentally, I’ll have to be careful on Saturday to make sure I don’t get sucked into SL and forget to go see Watchmen. in reply to krazycat #
- @krazycat Do you want to stab Ryanair in the face with a nailgun? in reply to krazycat #
- @mrtonylee I would turn up for that. Only I’m seeing Magneto and Picard instead. in reply to mrtonylee #
- this song is AWESOMESAUCE. and to think i had to hear it live before i fell in love with it ♫ #
- @skinnermike He is. It’s probably that he’s aged the best. in reply to skinnermike #
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