Tweets for 2009-12-12
December 13, 2009
- @McKelvie well, I know you must be older than me, which puts you above 25…but I guess I thought you were an never aging 26? in reply to McKelvie 13:45:33
- @Alittlestranger AFI 😀 in reply to Alittlestranger 13:45:39
- @krazycat …omg. That is so not right. in reply to krazycat 13:45:53
- have realised that I painted over my chipped nail varnish with a slightly different shade of dark red than all my other nails. oops 14:03:07
- @McKelvie @sebpatrick it's only bad if you still get id-ed trying to buy dvds. or go to the cinema. in reply to McKelvie 16:43:02
- @femmaashraf i think it's the waiting i enjoy at airports, and the food. 😀 in reply to femmaashraf 16:44:25
- If Billy Idol can do a Christmas album, then surely Type O Negative must do one also? Marvel at my logic. 17:03:11
- augh. ears ringing so loudly. must remember to carry ear plugs at all times. 🙁 00:53:54
Tweets for 2009-12-10
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