Tweets for 2010-01-25
January 26, 2010
- @smartmatt If I didn't want it, I would not have just lost the game in reply to smartmatt 14:45:09
- Today's question of the day: Do I book a holiday to see the castle in Merlin for my birthday even though it's in France? 14:48:16
- In other news, short hair means that today I have been rockin' the quiff as my hairstyle of choice. It's not bad. 14:49:06
- @danielguntrip my mum wants to drop dead at work. 1. because it'll be funny and horrific all at once. 2. I might get a big payout in reply to danielguntrip 14:50:04
- @wanderlustlover I've heard good things about it from people who are using it, to the extent that I will be having it on my next laptop in reply to wanderlustlover 14:50:31
- @fpinternational @mrtonylee …but aren't robins a tad vicious? Although, admittedly, less damaging than an eagle in reply to fpinternational 14:55:24
- @smartmatt MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA #ilostthegame in reply to smartmatt 14:58:35
- @smartmatt even better, I've only ever seen the first episode of Lost. Thought it was overhyped and didn't bother to watch the rest in reply to smartmatt 14:59:27
- writing with a pen and ink is far easier than I was given to believe 18:10:31
- @smartmatt meh. I suspect part of what I don't like is that I would rather just read the enitre story. It'd be quicker. in reply to smartmatt 18:14:31
- I saw this and thought of @smartmatt RT @andydiggle LOST's Oceanic 815 crash in real time, 24-style: 18:16:34 - RT @cinematical: 'Star Trek 2' Will Focus on the Villain 20:14:35
- …my mum has just declared that all of Stallone's films are good. All of them. Without exception. O_o 23:09:33
- @smartmatt That was the first question I asked her, and yeah, she likes it and thinks it's funny. in reply to smartmatt 23:16:43
- @understood Bah surveys that I cannot take. Even during that stage I had of believing the universe was not probable, I was still a theist in reply to understood 23:17:55
- @understood I know :/ in reply to understood 23:18:19
- @krazycat If she knew who Dolph Lundgren was? She'd probably say something similar about him too. in reply to krazycat 23:19:54
Tweets for 2010-01-24
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