Tweets for 2010-08-20
August 21, 2010
- @understood No way are you going to be 30 NO WAY in reply to understood ->
- @JamesHunt …the only thing stopping me is that I've got all the individual issues already in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @krazycat I saw it! With my mum, because last time we were in the cinema before that she saw a trailer and was like WEHAVETOSEETHAT ->
- @hannoir Or serious geeks. I prefer to think of it as a vocation in reply to hannoir ->
- @JamesHunt @kierongillen You may have convinced me then. 🙂 ->
- I suspect the mp3 I'm listening may have been a free download from but whatever it is, it's unexpectedly rockin ->
- In other currently listening news: Nothing quite like @AFI's Strength Through Wounding. Almost a shame they don't open gigs with it anymore ->
- @eddyTM Can only say, don't google/translate the belgian or dutch press about what happened until you're ready to handle it in reply to eddyTM ->
Tweets for 2010-08-19