twitter Tweets for 2010-09-15 September 16, 2010 @ChrissieM I reckon it'll be Ian McCulloch in reply to ChrissieM -> Gave Snatch 3.5 stars out of 5: -> Gave Blade 3.5 stars out of 5: -> Gave The Crow 4 stars out of 5: -> @hannoir Vatican passport. In fact, the Pope always has Vatican passport #1. in reply to hannoir -> Have now remembered last night's baffling dream. @danielguntrip was buying a wedding dress in a charity shop. not sure who for though -> @krazycat Definitely a possibility in reply to krazycat -> herdivineshadow half-girl, half-robot Previous Tweets for 2010-09-14 Newer Tweets for 2010-09-16