Tweets for 2010-09-24
September 25, 2010
- wonder if my CD player still works. vaguely remember that it doesn't for some reason. may just buy a new one for the consumer thrills ->
- In other news, my epic crush on Alec Empire has resurfaced. Gonna dig out intelligence & sacrifice. Unless it's in the missing CD rack ->
- @grrlinterrupted And Alec Empires musical stylin's? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Only downside to arranging CDs in chronological order of purchase? Having to remember what else you were listening to at the time to find… ->
- …the CD you want. In Alec Empire's Intelligence & Sacrifice's case? It's Bright Eyes. And Billy Idol. ->
- On the other hand, have discovered that I actually own more than one Radiohead album ->
- @heatherbat that seems to be the twitter consensus so far 😀 in reply to heatherbat ->
- I do sometimes wonder exactly how my taste in music developed. ->
- @KonamiKode I still have trouble with the idea that people born in the 90s are old enough to VOTE in reply to KonamiKode ->
- @KonamiKode You have a proper teenage fangirl! in reply to KonamiKode ->
- @KonamiKode ….she's a punk koala!! in reply to KonamiKode ->
- just realised I'd need a CD player that scrobbled ->
- @markdandridge is that the "trade point" ad that just doesn't work well, or an actual B&Q ad? in reply to markdandridge ->
- RT @NMEmagazine: Why the 100 Club must be saved ->
- ♥ Maps by Arcade Fire #lastfm: ->
- ♥ Walking With a Ghost in Paris (Tegan & Sara vs. Mylo) by Party Ben #lastfm: ->
Tweets for 2010-09-23