Tweets for 2011-03-07
March 8, 2011
- @femmaashraf You mean you're using a really really big electomagnet to do it? in reply to femmaashraf ->
- @kipoti your day has been way more exciting than mine! in reply to kipoti ->
- @understood YAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR Me ol' pirate brains says we be reappropriating said hash tag fer priates ev'rywheres #bootyappreciationday in reply to understood ->
- @NoelClarke Yarr. If I be a pirate, it be booty appreciation day ev'ryday, me hearties! #bootyappreciationday in reply to NoelClarke ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Doggett is ace. And I have a boxset 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @cleolinda It could work. If done well. Odds of that are slim though in reply to cleolinda ->
- @grrlinterrupted it you? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Does this make him a toy boy then? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …are you a cougar? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @roaratorio You know, I've still not seen any 3D films. Mostly because of cost and uber laziness in reply to roaratorio ->
- @JohnDylanger the new glasvegas in reply to JohnDylanger ->
- @JohnDylanger specifically this song: in reply to JohnDylanger ->
- @stevexfm that's amazing – all organised alphabetically? in reply to stevexfm ->
- ♥ Do Not Hook Up Cover (Kelly Clarkson) by The Gaslight Anthem #lastfm: ->
- As amazing as my covers playlist is, I have a feeling I'm missing a heck of a lot of awesome covers. Gotta dig out my other external HD ->
- ♥ Lose Yourself by The Script #lastfm: ->
Tweets for 2011-03-06
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