Tweets for 2011-03-27
March 28, 2011
- @sebpatrick I get the same, even when I had green hair and wore a black leather trenchcoat a lot. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @grrlinterrupted the original or the new version? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Ah. Only seen the original – wasn't sad at all. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @wanderlustlover tumblr is highly addictive, but the uptime of the website is a bit hit and miss in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover I think nearly everytime I've tried to use the site over the weekend their servers have been over capacity 🙁 in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover yeah. 🙁 in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover nothing new about that though, tumblr always has periods where the servers go a bit funny in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @snacky WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? I cannot choose between those delicious Easter treats 🙁 in reply to snacky ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I <3 @rememberthemilk in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @hannoir for me… after 9pm. in reply to hannoir ->
- @snacky THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! in reply to snacky ->
- @hannoir I think that's when the good telly used to be on. And some people go to sleep at that time in reply to hannoir ->
- watching taken (series, not film) – it's more ace than i remember ->
- I was right, I did zoom right past my 6000th tweet ->
- @wanderlustlover Do you mean for your LJ to come to twitter twice? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @pervtron9000 Because Monica Bellucci rocked the latex reeeeeally well in reply to pervtron9000 ->
- @wanderlustlover Hehe sometimes the bit where I've automated my facebook profile goes crazy and I never know until someone tells me either! in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover hee I KNOW OMG in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover Have to waaaaaaait. I did hear a thing on twitter about when they are going to start filming more but I forget what it said in reply to wanderlustlover ->
Tweets for 2011-03-26
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