Tweets for 2011-08-21
August 22, 2011
- win! dim sum two days in a row! ->
- @McKelvie @JamesHunt …and this is why I had to go back to Opera in reply to McKelvie ->
- @syn yeah, my mum gets them where she has no pain, but no one she sees has a nose. in reply to syn ->
- @syn heh yeah, best time I remember it happening? We were in the cinema watching Return of the King. All those orcs, trolls etc… in reply to syn ->
- @syn After about 20 mins of that it got too weird for her and she had to go sit it out in the car in reply to syn ->
- @syn it's hilarious now, but man, that drive home was TERRIFYING. in reply to syn ->
- Audio: obstaclespecialist: ->
- @sebpatrick My grandma had one in her funeral procession in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick She also had a police escort for the funeral cortege. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @syn O_o in reply to syn ->
- @InnerBrat That would be ace. He could sing something from Oklahoma while he did it. in reply to InnerBrat ->
Tweets for 2011-08-20