Tweets for 2011-08-30
August 31, 2011
- @RickInKorea Probably for the best tho 🙂 in reply to RickInKorea ->
- @snacky IT is! But I am already on there in reply to snacky ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I remember them being amaaazing in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @grrlinterrupted Because it's true to canon? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @RoOkin No. Photos without glasses? Yes in reply to RoOkin ->
- @ALEC_EMPIRE Right now? The incredible varieties of cheese you can get here in reply to ALEC_EMPIRE ->
- @cleolinda Because you didn't get the 9 season box set in an incredible deal like I did? in reply to cleolinda ->
- @catharsisjelly I hate that, craving the taste or texture of something in your mouth but knowing you're full in reply to catharsisjelly ->
- @danielguntrip Are they still Wachowski Brothers or are they now just the Wachowski Siblings? in reply to danielguntrip ->
Tweets for 2011-08-29
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