Tweets for 2012-02-01
February 2, 2012
- @wanderlustlover @thisisyourfault @laharcourt tomorrowwww I went to an amazing gig tonight so am dead, but made error of eating too much in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- euuuugh. either ate too much, picked up a virus or have food poisoning. vomiting at 5am not great ->
- on the other hand, stomach acid is great at clearing a blocked nose. ->
- ..and the over the phone verdict from my mum calling to check on me? prob food poisoning. ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frank Turner (2), L’Trimm (2) & Beastie Boys (1) ->
- @wanderlustlover 😀 in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- The great thing about still living at home with my mum is that I can spend the day in her bed when I'm sick like when I was small ->
- The only problem is that she likes to watch soaps in bed. And I do not. ->
- @wanderlustlover "Greek fire. Damascus steel" ahahah both mentioned in Hoodie ->
- @hausedave Sorry Dave, I use my no booze and drugs to take hilarious photos of my friends who do…:D in reply to hausedave ->
- If there was one technological advance that you could introduce at a different time in history or remove from histor… ->
- Is that…Misha Collins on CSI? ->
- @JamesHunt @McKelvie ahahahahomg. in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I just lost the game. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I think you find Mr Law more attractive than i do… in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
Tweets for 2012-01-31
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