
Tweets for 2012-02-18

  • @canada_bear @wilw …omg. I pretty much squeaked in excitement on spotting him when I saw Nemesis in the cinema. in reply to canada_bear ->
  • Audio: nedhepburn: ->
  • @ArtsDigitalUEL Write Now was really great! in reply to ArtsDigitalUEL ->
  • @eoincmacken To tease everyone who was looking forward to the Q&A with the possibilities in reply to eoincmacken ->
  • I've pretty much resolved to bleach my entire head but logistically, will have to do the front half first so the rest doesn't liquefy ->
  • It's been a while since I've had to take into the account of actually liquefying my hair. ->
  • Still undecided on colour though. By July I'll need something that lasts well and doesn't smurf me/towels/pillows/etc ->
  • Pondering some kind of pink/red with a couple of blue strips at the front. Or…taking another crack at green. ->
  • Green was the first unnatural colour I tried, back when I was 16 and was ok, if uneven for a first go – the ends were a bit pond-coloured ->

half-girl, half-robot