Tweets for 2012-06-25
June 26, 2012
- Suspect that's it for academia tonight. :/ Time to look for Avengers/Scooby Doo crossover fic to cheer me up ->
- Since June is basically filled with death, sad anniversaries, Father's Day and sunshine, I'm quite looking forward to it being over. ->
- ♥ Never Leave by Zulu Winter #lastfm: ->
- @bex_harvey thanks x it'll be over soon! in reply to bex_harvey ->
- ♥ There by the Grace of God by Manic Street Preachers #lastfm: ->
- @roaratorio heh it's what my library radio is throwing out at me in reply to roaratorio ->
- Accidentally cheese & bacon potato skins with…potato curry. ->
- @eddyTM I <3'ed them from the moment I learnt about the technology during Physics GSCE in reply to eddyTM ->
- @DHLinton You can hide it from your profile, but you can't like delete it from the universe. :/ in reply to DHLinton ->
- @DHLinton I took it off my profile? It's not in the info section anymore in reply to DHLinton ->
- @emmaprew That is the worst. in reply to emmaprew ->
- @tomscott As a replacement for homage or omg? in reply to tomscott ->
- @tomscott or just in the resistance sense? in reply to tomscott ->
- @emmaprew PFFT. HULK SMASH SUMMER in reply to emmaprew ->
- @tomscott I approve of it. If you'd been using it as a hipster-evolved version of OMG I would have been disappointed in reply to tomscott ->
- @mrtonylee do you want the windows media format or quicktime? in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @mrtonylee heh, I randomly went back to university so I've got a login for that sort of thing that works 🙂 in reply to mrtonylee ->
Tweets for 2012-06-24
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