Tweets for 2013-01-12
January 13, 2013
- dearfrankturner: For our final cover today, it is Frank covering “The Greatest Day†originally by Take That. … ->
- @thisisyourfault Not heard anything about one… in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @dreaminred @LauraJaneGrace …but Jessica Fletcher was obviously the criminal mastermind behind all those murders… in reply to dreaminred ->
- .@JayMalinowski's album still sounds good played through a dvd player/20 year old TV hack job. a TV that has DIALS. ->
- Anyone else going to Doctor Who at the BFI today? ->
- girl on platform complaining that she's cold. she's wearing a miniskirt w/thin tights & a short jacket… ->
Tweets for 2013-01-11