
Tweets for 2013-01-14

  • I suppose all the free stuff HMV was giving away with their points system might have hastened things ->
  • I got tickets to see Fenech Soler, mugs, notebooks, postcards and a poster. Thanks HMV ->
  • I should see what I can get for whatever points I've got left #vulture ->
  • @smartmatt Yeah, cost of actual shops & all. They did do the best priced deluxe ed. of new albums I wanted though in reply to smartmatt ->
  • Now, do I want creme egg ice cream or lychee ice cream? Hmmm ->
  • Imagine if you combined a magnum and a creme egg. That's what I have. It's amazing ->
  • 1000pts gets me either an A3 poster of Aaron Eckhart or a set of Black Swan postcards. ->
  • @bex_harvey IT IS. omg so delicious in reply to bex_harvey ->
  • @sebpatrick Can I pick record store killed by Amazon? in reply to sebpatrick ->
  • I want to see a film where Dexter Fletcher and Kylie are a crime-fighting duo ->
  • @zombiewes I think I would prefer nun-Kylie and mob boss-Dexter to fight Nazis in reply to zombiewes ->
  • @grrlinterrupted Hee. Did you watch London? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
  • @grrlinterrupted I think the scenes where he has few clothes on help with the more heavy plot scenes in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
  • You know, I don't think I can imagine Nick Fury ever doing any paperwork. ->
  • I want a deleted scene where Hawkeye goes to the opticians and gets his longsightedness dealt with ->
  • Basically I want Avengers doing ordinary things ->
  • The Hulk going for a chest wax. Because he is way hairier on the front of the R1 DVD box than he is in the film. ->
  • @grrlinterrupted Don't! Watch something with Chris Evans being attractive in it in reply to grrlinterrupted ->

half-girl, half-robot