Tweets for 2013-05-25
May 26, 2013
- @MadeFromCorpses Mostly not enough hands to be able to juggle everything in my life. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @alittlestranger It seems like maybe… you a little fond of pink? 😀 in reply to alittlestranger ->
- @newloveletter I will probably be linking you all the OT3 that appears in front of my eyes, you realise 🙂 in reply to newloveletter ->
- @MadeFromCorpses it'd probably be less of a problem if I wasn't having my usual delayed reaction to stuff that happened months ago in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @grrlinterruptedThis is what you missed out on at MK I think: ->
- @DeathBoy As torrid as my love affair with broccoli is, anything involving urchins is ALWAYS A TRAP. ALWAYS. in reply to DeathBoy ->
- Everytime I am reminded about Polanski being an awful human being, I remember he's going to die soon. ->
- Well. In the sense that he's old and probably has about 8 years max left. ->
- @grrlinterrupted a thing on fanfic ->
- @newloveletter weeee in reply to newloveletter ->
- If I was going to recast Cumberbatch's role in STID, I would go for this WHOLE HEARTEDLY ->
- @MadeFromCorpses The lady in the pictures! Indira Varma 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Really awesome actress – she was the main character, Maya, in Karma Sutra. She's been in Torchwood, Rome, Luther, Silk… in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- I…really want to watch Torchwood again. ->
- @kakapojayne This means I started reading @SFXmagazine when I was 11 O_o in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @understood My mum has Netflix! I have Lovefilm! We live in the same house! Technically I'm not paying for mine 😀 in reply to understood ->
- @syn …I want pizza. in reply to syn ->
- @syn @disastrid @tephramancy This is almost like Where's Wally. Almost. in reply to syn ->
Tweets for 2013-05-24