Tweets for 2013-06-30
July 1, 2013
- RT @AnnLarimer: HEY GUYS! GUESS WHAT! It's June 30th! ->
- Epic sadface. BBC have requested the removal of Radio Downloader. Which is fair enough. ->
- And they apparently might be offering radio downloads from 2014 ->
- But that doesn't help me NOW with my epic inability to listen to radio within a week/month of broadcast ->
- …for instance, I've just finished listening to everything I had from April ->
- @petitmew free – in the same way that bbc radio is free worldwide on iplayer ->
- @petitmew I think they've probably asked for the downloader to be taken down because they'll be offering downloads themselves in reply to petitmew ->
- @petitmew I dunno, it's basically the same as when I used to record the late night rock show on cassette or video stuff from the telly. in reply to petitmew ->
- @petitmew It's a shame tho, cos I'll pretty much stop listening to all of the radio 2/4/4extra stuff I've been following in reply to petitmew ->
Tweets for 2013-06-29