Tweets for 2013-10-20
October 21, 2013
- @Aqualice It was great! Not going tomorrow, have to be another tim! in reply to Aqualice ->
- @hartleyJ14 FOLLOWED 😀 in reply to hartleyJ14 ->
- @Hedgeypig Didn't the vampires have a form of psychometry? That's why Adam asked Eve to touch the guitar to tell its age in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @Hedgeypig Which made me wonder to @thelifeof_rose what Eve got when she touched people in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @thelifeof_rose yaaay. still good second time round? in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- RT @JamesHunt: Went to the Thor 2 press conference. The star of the movie was there! Here she is with the director! ->
- RT @JamesHunt: also these guys ->
- @Hello_Tailor YES. TILDA SWINTON HAS THE GREATEST SWAGGER EVER in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- “Happy, Happy Birthday Baby†by The Tune Weavers is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
- Who's let Jason, Hercules and Pythagoras have sharp objects? #Atlantis ->
- Jason REALLY knows nothing about ancient cultures #Atlantis ->
- Still clearly not enough triangles in this show #Atlantis ->
- WHAT THE HELL. JASON. not only doesn't know about greek mythology, also doesn't know anything about baby dietary requirements #Atlantis ->
- @SimonStirrat You've really got Loki there #badumtish in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- Dr Bashir = forever flawless #Atlantis ->
- Sinister lurking Heptalion is sinister #Atlantis ->
- It is Heptalion right? I can't remember from last week #Atlantis ->
- IT'S THE BAD GUY FROM BEING HUMAN nothing good can come from this #Atlantis ->
- @auntyel that's it. We know he's naughty cos he wears black leather in reply to auntyel ->
- Contractually shirtless Jason: check #Atlantis ->
- Medusa being the most competent member of the team once again #Atlantis ->
- They'll follow her though right? #Atlantis ->
- It is literally like I wrote this episode #Atlantis ->
- Ahahaha omg. #Atlantis ->
- I kind of want a flash forward about 20 years so we can see the prophecy come true #Atlantis ->
- Flatulence jokes still funny in #Atlantis ->
- @hartleyJ14 @louise_gaul YAY. Did you enjoy it? in reply to hartleyJ14 ->
- VAULT OVER THE WALL #Atlantis ->
- Jason has suddenly remembered something about Greek mythology. He's got that face on #Atlantis ->
- …Jocasta is wearing trousers #Atlantis ->
- @grrlinterrupted yaaay. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Someone remind me that I need to unhook my trousers from the front door. ->
- @syn My mum would love that. in reply to syn ->
- @Hello_Tailor You are watching all the awesome films 😀 in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @SimonStirrat Oooj @1thefilm was one of the 21 other films I wanted to see but couldn't #lff in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @thelifeof_rose BEFORE I FORGET AGAIN is the thing my friends did with the timetravel ->
- O_O I've seen 17 films so far this month ->
Tweets for 2013-10-19
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