Tweets for 2013-11-26
November 27, 2013
- @mstorijo *hughug* in reply to mstorijo ->
- @zombiewes I have plague in reply to zombiewes ->
- @sebpatrick @JamesHunt Entirely unenthused about Sherlock :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @auntyel Heh who was it this time? in reply to auntyel ->
- @sebpatrick Is that the tennis one or the not-tennis one? in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @tomscott …this is sung in playgrounds? I feel cheated. Kind of. in reply to tomscott ->
- Still not a fan of celery in smoothies :/ ->
- It's kind of hilarious listening to my mum on the phone to Malaysia. Every so often she has to ask what a Hokkien word means ->
- Just had to describe the whole mitochondrial DNA to my auntie ->
- @piratemoggy @sebpatrick I already did Kid Loki Cyrus, someone else has to do this one in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @JohnAnealio: Download the "NaNoWriMo" E.P. for free! ->
- RT @HardSciFiMovies: A woman is believed to constitute the legendary "fifth element". She is indeed found to have consumed dangerous levels… ->
- @sebpatrick How different from the desktop version is the android version of Janetter? 'cos that's pretty good in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @bexxi: Even a Marmite devotee like me would draw the line at that… RT @LeaJakobiak: Marmite lipbalm Mmmmmmmmm #marmite… ->
- Marmite lipbalm would be amazing ->
- @HippieGeekGirl EXACTLY in reply to HippieGeekGirl ->
- My mum is the best at steak. ->
- @sebpatrick 2nd in reply to sebpatrick ->
- Contantine is on. aww yissss ->
- @syn ZEBRA STRIPES in reply to syn ->
- @misslilypotkin She texted you from her cracked phone? in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- You know Keanu Reeves Constantine, I'm pretty sure that's not actually in the Bible. ->
- "The anti-Christ is in the other room" ->
Tweets for 2013-11-25
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