Tweets for 2014-05-06
May 7, 2014
- @piratemoggy @tambourine :O in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @nikki has she turned into a banana-based superhero as a result? in reply to nikki ->
- Just remembered that the first Eurovision semi-final is on tonight :D:D:D:D:D ->
- @tambourine YES. *tries to reframe fuzzy OC memories as a Hawkeye series* in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @bbceurovision: A man on a giant hamster wheel, ice skating backing dancers and a see-saw that fills the stage. There's only one Eurovis… ->
- @magpiewhale This is basically why the only DC I read is "stuff what has Constantine in" in reply to magpiewhale ->
- RT @tambourine: i'm doing a poetry reading in london tomorrow! 7:30pm, the torriano in kentish town, £3 entry ->
- @PrairieHamster Can you fill his shoes with badgers? in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- #Eurovision time! ->
- RT @bbceurovision: Are you ready? Are you ready to SONG? HERE WE GO…! ->
- @nikki watch out for her suddenly growning like…. 5ft and developing blue spandex and a yellow cape in reply to nikki ->
- RT @bbceurovision: In the little video the countries have to demonstrate their flags in a creative way. Armenia are 'smelting'. Mm, smeltin… ->
- Have remembered to put the subtitles on for #Eurovision so that I can fully enjoy the amazing lyrics of all the songs ->
- Latvia's cake flag is amazing #Eurovision ->
- I would like the Latvian song more if it was @WeWereEvergreen singing it #Eurovision ->
- RT @bbceurovision: Bunford and Sons. #latvia ->
- I like that Estonia and her backing dancer aren't wearing shoes. #Eurovision ->
- @bbceurovision Hadn't noticed the tights till you mentioned them and now can't unsee them #estonia #Eurovision in reply to bbceurovision ->
- The Icelandic entry have cool beards #Eurovision ->
- Iceland look a bit like if The Hives weren't monochrome #Eurovision ->
- Well. The ones who are wearing the suits. Not the onesies #Eurovision ->
- JEDWARD #Eurovision ->
- RT @dreaminred: Backing singer for Iceland's Eurovision entry is also an MP! ->
- Wow. That's commitment to #Eurovision ->
- I mean, I don't think I love #Eurovision enough to have my country's flag tattooed onto my person ->
- Right. What if Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes had to watch #Eurovision? ->
- I know someone wrote me #Eurovision and Avengers fic last year. Where is it? hmmm ->
- The Albanian song is pretty epic tho #Eurovision ->
- RT @bbceurovision: Brian May guitar solo by man in a snood. Any why not. #Albania ->
- That is a really cool way to make the flag #Eurovision ->
- Were Azerbaijan the ones who had that guy who trapped his shadow in a box last year or was that someone else? #Eurovision ->
- GIANT HAMSTER WHEEL #Eurovision ->
- RT @bbcthree: The forbidden love between a woman and a were-hamster #Ukraine #Eurovision ->
- Belgium seem really sincere about their Mum #Eurovision ->
- Is that actually his mum? #Eurovision ->
- I'm going to go with Moldova having the most epic costume #Eurovision ->
- San Marino's song is ok, but I don't think they will win. #Eurovision ->
- I don't understand enough portuguese to know what she's singing about :/ #Eurovision ->
- Mostly, I know food words in portuguese. ->
- As much as I like the Portuguese entry, I don't think their economy can handle hosting #Eurovision ->
- @syn OH MAN. in reply to syn ->
- I might actually buy a copy of the Dutch song #Eurovision ->
- RT @bbceurovision: You know, you think country music…you think… HOLLAND. #thenetherlands ->
- ROLLERBLADING #Eurovision ->
- I like how they hid the guy backing singer behind the pretty lady backing singers #Eurovision ->
- The fast bit of the Hungarian song is awesome. The slow bit isn't so good. #Eurovision ->
- How was that 16 songs? That only took like… 5 minutes. #Eurovision ->
- @dreaminred Saturday in reply to dreaminred ->
- Well. I like the first 16 songs enough that the album is going on my wishlist for buying later. ->
- …there are tiny ballerinas emergining from that guy's skirt 😀 #Eurovision ->
- Does Welcome To Nightvale get Eurovision? ->
- RT @bbceurovision: If you're enjoying this interval act, good news, you can see it again tonight in a nightmare ->
- Ooooh. #Eurovision audience not pleased about Russia qualifying ->
- Nooo. Nooooooo. What #Eurovision ->
- NO. ICELAND ARE AWESOME #Eurovision ->
- BE ICELAND #Eurovision ->
- YESSSSSSSSSSS #Eurovision ->
- I feel bad for Belgium tho. He was singing about his mum #Eurovision ->
- @tambourine Bucky/Steve writer/editor au in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine It would be awesome as emails back and forth between them in reply to tambourine ->
- @Jook nah, watch tomorrow night in reply to Jook ->
- @tambourine neverrrr in reply to tambourine ->
- @Jook It's an ok song but… kind of boring. Aren't they the favourite? in reply to Jook ->
- @tambourine wriiiiite a fic like that in reply to tambourine ->
- @Jook the interval act is awesome 😀 in reply to Jook ->
- @tambourine doooo iiitttt in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine At some point a during the war epistolary bucky/steve fic is going to be fully fleshed out. By someone in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2014-05-05
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