Tweets for 2014-05-14
May 15, 2014
- @Hello_Tailor Holy cow in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @ianloring Unsure. He didn't seem to take it well when other dyed in the wool fans hated STiD :/ in reply to ianloring ->
- Orci is directing Star Trek 3? Is he writing it too? Well. ->
- @tambourine why does it look like his knees are censored? in reply to tambourine ->
- I think I'm going to need to know a lot of spoilers for the next Star Trek film before I see it. ->
- @grrlinterrupted While I like the idea of a HUD over my field of vision, it's too privacy invading for other people potentially in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I mean, you need a camera on it to get contextual information for a HUD to be useful but yeah. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted BASICALLY, if we could trust people generally not to suck and do sucky things with it, it would be fine. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …which I guess, that is the thing with all technology. It is the users who are the weak point. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Humans are why we can't have nice things in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @tambourine write fic where Bucky Bear cameos in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy Why does he have so many nice jackets? in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @mstorijo: I'm fundraising for Cancer Research UK on @JustGiving. Please #sponsorme & RT ->
- RT @LizUK: Bucky and Loki go to a Villain's Convention and they're running a talk together.
I'm so sorry.
I need a life.… ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy OH GOD ->
- RT @8C: cyberpunk is great because its nice to feel nostalgic for a time when the west devolving into late-capitalist dystopia was only an … ->
- RT @MarvelUK: Marvel's #GuardiansoftheGalaxy move closer – coming to UK & IRE cinemas Thursday July 31st ->
- RT @frankturner: Currently working on a @Corybranan cover and finding it almost impossible not to sing a heavy Southern drawl. Amazing song… ->
- That thing when you check to see if the purveyor of virtual eyes is still closed and they are. ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine "what could I share that would be devastating? Oh I know" in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @MissPotkin :O in reply to MissPotkin ->
- @stonemesteve Your man Moz is on twitter! ->
- RT @compactrobot: Subtweeters of the World Unite. #moztweets ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine greatest shorts or greatest shorts: in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @fuggirls: The #Eurovision post IS finally coming tomorrow — in fact, two posts. I PROMISE. Hamster wheels! Mustaches! Cheesecake! Inte… ->
Tweets for 2014-05-13