Tweets for 2014-06-11
June 12, 2014
- RT @redfivetwo: "Female bone structure is just different," says Joe Ubisoft. "Are there spiders in there? We just don't know." ->
- @RdeValmont For a moment I thought you were talking about blowing up the Death Star in reply to RdeValmont ->
- @WizardMagique same :/ in reply to WizardMagique ->
- @WizardMagique …I don't have any CSS mods :/ I refreshed again and it seems to be working for the moment. in reply to WizardMagique ->
- @WizardMagique Heh yeah, I wonder if they do any beta testing before doing a code push like this. It seems like loads of people have trouble in reply to WizardMagique ->
- RT @totalfilm: Channing Tatum talks #Gambit’s Cajun accent – expect subtitles: #xmen ->
- Things that I would like to be easier: referencing Vatican II documents ->
- @piratemoggy that jamon iberico ham, um, mushrooms, annd CHEESE in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy IN FACT, actually, watch Hannibal or read the Hannibal food stylist's blog and get ideas from that. Not people tho. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy Don't waste it if you already gone to the trouble of procuring it! 😀 in reply to piratemoggy ->
- My Mum can't find her Vatican II book ->
- @newloveletter WHAT in reply to newloveletter ->
- RT @feedly: The service is under a denial of service attack. We are working with our network provider to deflect it. Sorry for the inconven… ->
- RT @thefairystamp: @feedly PANIC. How do people even survive without RSS ->
- RT @feedly: More information about the denial of service attack here ->
- @newloveletter How am I going to browse tumblr? in reply to newloveletter ->
- @blueofthebay TV series but still: in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Actually, wikipedia has this wrapped up in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Tho that's only for the characters ages I suppose, rather than the actual actor ages cast in reply to blueofthebay ->
- RT @MildlyAmused: With feedly down due to DDoS attack how am I supposed to browse the Internet? Actually go to individual websites like a f… ->
- RT @PeteLordAardman: Staying cool Morph-style. @AmazingMorph @annecyfestival aardman ->
- RT @jeffnoon: Down the projector’s beam I have travelled, alongside insects, dust motes, cigarette smoke, shadows, noise, carrying the face… ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Bedouin Soundclash (32), Jay Malinowski & The Deadcoast (22) & Jay Malinowski (17) ->
- Kind of glad I don't use Tweetdeck. :/ ->
- @syn Hahaha. But you ARE the best in reply to syn ->
- @tambourine Use Janetter! You have to switch it from Japanese to English and there's like… no documentation but it's ACE in reply to tambourine ->
- @thelifeof_rose there's a security hole in tweetdeck that allows any javascript posted on twitter to be run in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- RT @tomscott: Congratulations @BBCBreaking for not logging out, and sending a self-retweeting hack to 10.1m people (h/t @dracos): http://t.… ->
- @thelifeof_rose Haha I think so, I only use the desktop version which…initially installs in Japanese. in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- RT @TweetDeck: A security issue that affected TweetDeck this morning has been fixed. Please log out of TweetDeck and log back in to fully a… ->
- RT @syn: <script>[]".tweet"),function(i){"url( http"+"://";} )</scrip… ->
- Ahaha LJ ->
- @tambourine Do you have to use tweetdeck through a browser? Can you just…turn off javascript before you go back in? in reply to tambourine ->
- @magpiewhale apparently brought back comment subject lines in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @Kavey Ugh I know. It was AWESOME in reply to Kavey ->
- RT @BarnabyEdwards: Every household in England will get a free copy of The Sun in tomorrow's post. Here's the return address: FREEPOST, The… ->
- @ashenkey Whhhat about Betty tho? BETTY. in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey WHAT IF all it is, is one scene where they paint each other's nails and exchange skin care tips? in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey Yeah, he doesn't like it when people lie to him and for her, he is a giant rage monster that she cannot defeat with her own skills in reply to ashenkey ->
- @thelifeof_rose Haha wrong account. This is probably a better tag for the OLLA reviews ->
- @piratemoggy Ahhhhhh there are some reviews of the OLLA perfumes going up ->
- @newloveletter wait what? it wasn't a couple of hours ago :/ in reply to newloveletter ->
Tweets for 2014-06-10
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