Tweets for 2014-08-24
August 25, 2014
- @piratemoggy @toritruslow @charliesaidthat How much can the girlfriend carry in one go? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- According to my mum, last night's Doctor Who was a bit boring. ->
- @magpiewhale :O in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @smartmatt @GemmaRidlington IT IS GENIUS in reply to smartmatt ->
- @JamesHunt Haha do you find watching paint dry exciting too? in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @piratemoggy "weirdly attractive and a bit dour" in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @HumanPog: welcome to map club
the first rule of map cl
whats that?
no sorry this is not fight club
ok see you are here
you actually wan… -> - @JamesHunt IT IS GLORIOUS in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @piratemoggy h e l p ->
- RT @BBCBreaking: British actor and film director Lord Richard Attenborough has died at the age of 90, his son tells the BBC… ->
- RT @sithcamaro: #babygroot ->
- RT @bencrystal: Eee that medical examination was more than a bit pervy and kinda made my skin crawl a bit. #DrWho ->
Tweets for 2014-08-23
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