Tweets for 2014-10-03
October 4, 2014
- @dreaminred the freezing part is probably the attraction since he gets too warm and sweats like a v sweaty thing in reply to dreaminred ->
- RT @Documentally: [One year from now]
Child “Daddy, what were Human Rights?â€
Me: “Something the government were fed up of abusing so they… -> - Ugh. Ward's family. I want to see May's extended family. ALL OF THEM. Like… make the series Agents May ->
- I am downstairs in the dining room. My mum is upstairs in her room. I CAN HEAR HER SNORING ->
- @newloveletter PLUS like she's a fair number of years older than you and things would be different anyway, even without the plummety thing in reply to newloveletter ->
- This is like when I was upstairs in my room and my dad was downstairs wearing headphones & I could still hear his music ->
- It's not usually the kid that tells their parents to turn the music down, but then my Dad was METAL. So. ->
- @newloveletter Could she not just hug you and make you camomile tea and uh. I dunno. Get you a cute bear or something? in reply to newloveletter ->
- Mum said that one of the compasses we have in the house doesn't work. I set them down on the table. They both work. ->
- I have NO IDEA what she was doing to make one not work. ->
- @requiem2adream Yeah but I don't care about Ward, unless they continue with him being evil & wrong in reply to requiem2adream ->
- @piratemoggy LIES my funny stuff remains funny. But only cos it's crackfic in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @cleolinda Space: Above and Beyond in reply to cleolinda ->
- RT @CutieDaisy1_1: According to foreigners; Birmingham the most sexiest accent – Professor David Crystal 😂 @MalikMD7 ->
- RT @TobyHadoke: Thing is, when they take away the human rights of people you don't like, they take away yours at the same time. ->
- @tomscott See, that's less confusing than paying council tax on our house to a different council than our garage. in reply to tomscott ->
- RT @urbanphoto_blog: Just months after the Sochi Olympics, its facilities are already rotting, abandoned ruins. Photos:… ->
Tweets for 2014-10-02