Tweets for 2014-10-04
October 5, 2014
- @nedhepburn Now I really fancy some Irn Bru and don't have any. :/ in reply to nedhepburn ->
- RT @Botanygeek: Harvesting butternut squash? DO NOT eat for at least 1 month. Studies at Cornell University show its sugar soars 400% after… ->
- RT @CECHR_UoD: World's Tallest Vertical Garden Lives & Breathes in Sydney #architecture -> - @piratemoggy Did you read that one I linked you the other day with the thing with the door between them? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Avengers ScoobyDoo/Columbo crossover AU ->
- THE NET IS ON. Sandra Bullock! Jeremy Northam! SANDRA BULLOCK. other people. whatever. ->
- You know Dominic Cooper, I think I WOULD share my cloud with a hamster. ->
- @piratemoggy What if Clint Barton was Columbo and Natasha Romanoff was Mrs Columbo/Capt Janeway? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @danielguntrip The Prophecy 😀 in reply to danielguntrip ->
- Liv Tyler is the best Betty Ross ->
- I don't really want to stop watching The Incredible Hulk for the new episode of Dr Who. Even though I have seen this film many many times ->
- Angry Betty Ross is awesome ->
- Is the Doctor's great adversary this season going to be a hoard of women he's been unnecessarily mean to? ->
- Are they going to just run away with his TARDIS and leave him in Stevenage? ->
- What if, right, WHAT IF, the Doctor gets replaced by Dr Betty Ross as played by Liv Tyler? ->
- Well. Maybe I should have stuck with the Hulk ->
- OTOH Clara remains flawless. Dr Betty Ross & Clara in the TARDIS ->
- RT @kirstyharrod: My secondary reading notes include the phrase "THUS masturbation" and "big dicks were unfashionable at the time". Classic… ->
- @ErisLovesMovies She would be great travelling through time in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @sebpatrick It was terrible. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick Pretty much only Courtney with the dettol & Clara's rant at the end were decent in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick It boils down to: The Doctor is an ass. A prolife episode of Doctor Who was a terrible idea in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @tehsekritnos AND YET I still prefer Clara to the Doctor. She's just written badly. in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @sebpatrick Well yeah, but 140 characters. In fairness, the being an ass thing is fine, even if he's super patronising but that's him in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick I think mostly I didn't like the planet having their choice taken away from them. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @bbcdoctorwho: Would you have urged Clara to ‘kill the moon’ or let the creature live? Vote now at #DoctorWho htt… ->
- @sebpatrick I take the viewpoint that the planet is the body to which the egg is attached though. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick I suppose a giant corpse orbiting the planet would be too dark for kids though. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @piratemoggy I have a What's Your Number? fic for you ->
- @piratemoggy Nope. You're only missing out on Evans spending most of the film only in undies. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @ErisLovesMovies @piratemoggy tumblrs got the naked Chris Evans gifs covered and that is all you need from this film? 😀 in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies YOU KNOW there is an adorable dog subplot in the book. in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @piratemoggy @ErisLovesMovies One day there should be a Chris Evans film marathon with addition smelling of Only Lovers Left Alive perfumes in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @ErisLovesMovies THE LITTLE DOG in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- This continues to be delightful: ->
- Spock. ->
- The Viva advert for the Star Trek films are hilarious ->
- RT @BBCAtlantis: A new dawn… #Atlantis returns Saturday 15th November on @BBCOne: ->
- YESSSSS Atlantis time is soon ->
Tweets for 2014-10-03