Tweets for 2014-11-02
November 3, 2014
- RT @brockwilbur: This costume is running a functional version of Portal that moves as she aims the gun. GO HOME HALLOWEEN IS WON http://t.c… ->
- @tambourine Did he stand good? in reply to tambourine ->
- @charliesaidthat @piratemoggy Weeee YAY Congratulations in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- @piratemoggy Will @charliesaidthat dress as Hawkeye to yr Miss America is the important question I feel in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @eoincmacken Well, Novemeber *is* the month of the dead so you could just…continue being spooky until tinsel time in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @piratemoggy @charliesaidthat because that is really cute. ALSO what about Cyclops cosplay in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @FireinFreetown: This man is saying the stupidest shit ever. I know it and I don't need the audio. ->
- RT @FireinFreetown: Dog…what was he SAYING? ->
- RT @FireinFreetown: Unable. To. Can ->
- RT @FireinFreetown: *Cries* "@jbradfield: @SorahyaM @xMattieBrice caught it with the closed captioning on it was something else… ->
- TODAY I am going to finish that Stacker Pentecost mixtape ->
- And let me tell you now, it has been brewing for a LONG time and it is BANGING ->
- @charliesaidthat @piratemoggy WELL if the weather continues to get chillier, you might be better off with a flesh-coloured onesie… in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- @tambourine I saw a silent documentary about David Lloyd George a few years ago and it was amazing in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine It's prob more biopic with shades of documentary but I think it was made at the end of WWI but can't remember the name :/ in reply to tambourine ->
- *trips and adds songs to "Giant Robots And The Pilots That Love Them" playlist* ->
- @piratemoggy I am imagining all sorts of things soundtracked by F1 engine noises. Like making tea. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @Sean_Hegarty: How easy is it to impersonate Victor Meldrew?
a) don't
b) leave it ->
- @sebpatrick um. I mean sure, it's not made to be non-stop scares but like Dr Who defined hiding behind your sofa. Or a cushion. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @Hello_Tailor yesssssss in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: The abusive husband miner guy was set on fire by his own shower. Could be a demon, OR… could just be a result of fracki… ->
- @DeathBoy A whole box of Yorkshires? You're living the dream in reply to DeathBoy ->
- What are the odds that I will stop being forever hungry if I switch to 4 meals a day? ->
- Still. At least this is better than that year and a half when I just…didn't get hungry at all. ->
- That thing where a fic mentions James Dean and you're like "but… this is from before that" ->
- RT @WanPingCoombes: Happy World Nasi Lemak Day. If you don't know what it is here is one I made earlier this year @MalaysianFoodUK http://t… ->
- RT @MeCookieMonster: It me birthday today! Me going to celebrate with two cookie cakes! One cookie-shaped cake, one cake-shaped cookie. Cov… ->
- @tambourine I stayed in the lighthouse at the Lizard a while back. It is HILARIOUS in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2014-11-01
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