Tweets for 2014-11-05
November 6, 2014
- RT @atwellonline: Hayley Atwell Online: Hayley Atwell Returning To "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." – @HayleyAtwell ->
- My mum is snoring SO loudly I can hear her downstairs. This must be what it is like for her when I snore ->
- RT @VaGentlenerd: If this pic of @lovegwendoline kissing Charles Dance on the head doesn't make you squee with delight then I give up http:… ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: AFI (14), A Perfect Circle (5) & Gabriel Bruce (5) ->
- @ScottyBoyDee @ThreeUK Why…did they not call you? in reply to ScottyBoyDee ->
- @piratemoggy Surely it would be them mutually flirting a bit and then going to art galleries and concerts and stuff together in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @mickmcavoy: Guy Fawkes night has become cheap & commercialised, the real meaning of reminding us Catholics that we are a distrusted min… ->
- And you DIDN'T EVEN GUESS. Despite my long held plans for world domination etc etc ->
- Although really you should have guessed since I am over fond of fireworks and carry a lighter even though I do not smoke ->
- @ErisLovesMovies May I interest you in my army? You'll receive the title "Rachel" – in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @damianjohnson @channel4 @AgentsofSHIELD That is… really weird. Isn't Agent Carter continuing the story that AoS is setting up? in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @damianjohnson @channel4 @AgentsofSHIELD That's like… having that late night Hollyoaks but not regular Hollyoaks in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @ErisLovesMovies No shooting in the face. We're more surreal than that in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- Lwaxana Troi is the actual greatest ->
- @ScottyBoyDee @ThreeUK The sms was definitely from 3? It wasn't some scam to make you call a number and get charged for it? in reply to ScottyBoyDee ->
- @ScottyBoyDee @ThreeUK Weeeird. They are just going to have to send you a letter in the post I guess in reply to ScottyBoyDee ->
- RT @MichaelPDeacon: Watching a new TV series with Laurence Llewelyn Bowen in it. He looks like a Waitrose Dave Grohl ->
- @piratemoggy I LOVE APPLICATION FORMS in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy Yeah, it's like colouring books innit? Filling all the spaces is v satisfying in reply to piratemoggy ->
- I need to find out what % of ticket price goes to charity before I shell out I guess ->
- @damianjohnson @channel4 @AgentsofSHIELD She is clearly very sensible in reply to damianjohnson ->
- RT @MeetAnimals: Bird falls asleep out on warm computer ->
- @charliesaidthat @piratemoggy That soundtrack has Ben Folds Five and Silverchair on, so it is awesome in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- @syn Man. I got excited for a moment there but he's not actually made any kind of sacrifice. SADFACE in reply to syn ->
- @syn He's the one that was racist to me that one time right? in reply to syn ->
- @syn I'm going to watch the last episode of the X-Files he was in. That one is v. satisfying in reply to syn ->
- @syn because he has SACRIFICED HIS TWEETS. yes. that is it. in reply to syn ->
- @syn does he get squished into rock or get decapitated by Xena? in reply to syn ->
- RT @NightValeRadio: BAT FACTS: Inside every bat are two smaller bats fighting over the controls. ->
- RT @liz_buckley: Full moon. Stay away from houses tonight. Some become warehouses. ->
Tweets for 2014-11-04