Tweets for 2015-03-10
March 11, 2015
- @Zendarenn I'd have to be a really unfit spidey that bumped into things when hanging from webs in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @dan_impossible this might help after the last film in reply to dan_impossible ->
- @The_Ladylark haha see I know that I just… don't want to hang out with Tony Stark. I just want all the Pepper scenes in reply to The_Ladylark ->
- @Zendarenn The radioactive spider gave Tobey Maguire abs right? I'm not having that. My clothes wouldn't fit right in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn there has to be a really slow spider somewhere right? in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn I could do that. I can move remarkably quickly when food is an incentive in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @The_Ladylark @Zendarenn YES. cos I will read fanfic where Tony is part of the cast list but I guess RDJ is too good at being Stark in reply to The_Ladylark ->
- @mikeryan That's like the Sugababes in reply to mikeryan ->
- @Zendarenn BE MAD, GET IT OUT, it is better for you to get it out then let it stay inside festering cos then you'll turn into a supervillian in reply to Zendarenn ->
- “Sloop John B†by Jay Malinowski & The Deadcoast is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
- @Zendarenn HMMM YOU COULD BE BOTH like, doing stuff for good but that is also a bit inconvenient and holds up traffic and that in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn WELL as funnel-web Spidey-Rach I feel like it is part of my heroic job description to avert potential supervillainy y'know in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn YES in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @grrlinterrupted :/ your sandfly bite is about the size of moquito bites I get. stupid allergic reaction in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick And then I compare that to the watch I has gone 40 years without a new battery cos it's kinetic :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @MissPotkin You already know about Dove & Lynx being the same company right? Which makes the body positive stuff weird next to Lynx's ads in reply to MissPotkin ->
- It is kind of fascinating that I'm going to have to be vegetarian at work ->
- @MadeFromCorpses The place I'll be working has to be kosher, so any lunch I bring in can't have meat or shellfish. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses And there is only so much tuna/salmon I can eat in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Jewish Care 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
Tweets for 2015-03-09