Tweets for 2015-03-26
March 27, 2015
- @ErisLovesMovies YOU'RE MY MISSION etc etc in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I'M WITH YOU TILL THE END OF THE LINE PAL in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @newloveletter YOU ARE NOT OLD FOR IT AT ALL. YOU ARE AWESOME in reply to newloveletter ->
- It's not enough that the last university I attended has a Goth degree – the first used to have a beer degree ->
- @piratemoggy Is it because someone is clearly having a laugh? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @doingitwrong: Internet (n): A computer network beset by companies constantly re-implementing mixtures of Compuserve, Usenet, Email, IRC… ->
- RT @pamcowburn: HMRC abused RIPA to find out details of whistleblower who exposed Goldman Sachs deal ->
- @platinumvampyr @ErisLovesMovies Sam, Steve & Bucky cuddle puddle in reply to platinumvampyr ->
- RT @gkygirlengineer: Mosquitoes Can Smell Inside Your Blood ->
- @tambourine Nooooo in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @gusworldau: Man quits band. Man sacked from TV show. In lesser news, we're about to legislate surveillance of every internet user in Au… ->
- RT @MissPotkin: That thing when you eat lunch and then after you've finished you think "When is it lunch?".
Sigh. ->
- RT @MitchBenn: Interesting to reflect that JUST THIS BIT of Doctor Who is already one of the longest running SF series ever… #10YearsOfNewW… ->
- RT @FelicityMorse: Scotch Creme Egg? You would though, wouldn't you. ->
- @piratemoggy AWESOME piratekitten in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @JoryMiller: Just started laughing uncontrollably at this in work. Well played @2000AD ->
- “Century After Century†by Idlewild (@IdlewildtheBand) is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
- RT @jowrotethis: DARIN MORGAN COMING BACK FOR THE X-FILES REBOOT. (via @badfortrains) ->
- @syn I have basically started watching this cos of your tweets in reply to syn ->
- @syn IT HAS DAWSON hahaha in reply to syn ->
- @daniel_barker the steam-powered ones? in reply to daniel_barker ->
- @AliyaWhiteley GREEN LANTERN in reply to AliyaWhiteley ->
- @AliyaWhiteley haha well I was thinking it would go with the cheeeese in reply to AliyaWhiteley ->
- RT @foxyneela: 500 women and children were kidnapped by Boko Haram yesterday & the story only made it to the corner of page 31. Wow. http:/… ->
- woo mike carey ->
- feels a bit illicit being in the library after closing ->
- @RonniPudding hahaha I told the librarian what you tweeted and she said "mission accomplished!" in reply to RonniPudding ->
- RT @froghammer: I sprayed wolf urine in my yard to keep pests away, but now it's full of sexy wolfmen & I dont know how long I can keep mak… ->
- RT @jsantley: So…..the Internet Archive has the complete collection of Bob Ross’ ‘Joy of Painting’ You’re welcome, … ->
Tweets for 2015-03-25
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