Tweets for 2015-09-28
September 29, 2015
- in other news, i learnt all the words to an ed sheeran song after listening to my cousin practice it for the wedding dinner ->
- @daniel_barker I got called Richard before I went on my hols in reply to daniel_barker ->
- So far today I have been to the Imax and remembered why I don't like watching 3D films ->
- I also picked up like a BILLION #LFF tickets, had a DELICIOUS steak and took back my library books ->
- @daniel_barker It's not even the first time, but at least before it was just in letters in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @NASA: "These are dark streaks that form in late spring, grow through the summer & disappear in the fall" #MarsAnnouncement… -> - RT @sciam: NASA reveals best evidence yet that Mars may yet have life in it: flowing liquid water… ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I saw Jerusalem, so at least it was only like 45 minutes or something in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I was sitting as far back as the cheap seats would allow 😀 in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies the premium seats are the ones right at the back in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I think there are double seats too in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- AHHH just realised that half-day Fridays starts this week SO I CAN GO SEE THE MARTIAN IN DAYLIGHT YAAAY ->
- Why isn't there a tv channel that shows nothing but Miss Marple? ->
- RT @delexical: Get in the Mars, sea. ->
- RT @ahnlak: It's a comment on how safe British wildlife is, that my reaction on finding a snake in my compost heap was "cool, snake!" and n… ->
- RT @tweetsoutloud: “@MartianMovie: A special message from Mark Watney. #TheMartian #MarsAnnouncementâ€Well played. ->
- RT @EldritchSwift: cause you know i love the players, and you love the whisper of the sand suspended in the hourglass, as entropy slows to … ->
- @tehsekritnos OHNOES in reply to tehsekritnos ->
Tweets for 2015-09-27
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