
Tweets for 2015-10-01

  • Ugh as crappy as the Windows 8 comixology app is, the website is even worse on my browser of choice. Bah ->
  • @MadeFromCorpses I'm using an older version of Opera that still has the RSS stuff integrated so it's not a surprise comixology doesn't work in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
  • @MadeFromCorpses I might just…pirate the one I read on the app tho, since I buy it in paper anyway in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
  • RT @petedonaldson: Exactly 24 hours ago on air I said it was telling how many times we get an email from management pulling 'pumped up kick… ->
  • Thought about telling my Mum to watch Under The Skin but then realised she won't understand half of what anyone says ->
  • @ErisLovesMovies I'M WITH YOU TILL THE END OF THE LINE PAL in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->

half-girl, half-robot