Tweets for 2015-10-04
October 5, 2015
- @tambourine that episode of the x-files that had Luke Wilson in it. in reply to tambourine ->
- This weekend I have been mostly filling my tumblr queue with Apollo photos ->
- you know how when you need new glasses, your face feels a bit weird? I've got my new glasses now & it feels weird in the other direction ->
- here's to not looking at anything too far away for a couple of days 😀 ->
- RT @RealGDT: Had lunch with Maisie Williams yesterday. Remarkable. Dammit- if PR2 happens, that girl is getting a Jaeger. ->
- RT @NASA: Could a dust storm like the one in #TheMartian movie happen? Fact and fiction: #JourneyToMars… ->
- RT @CountVonCount: Five hundred five! Ah ah ah! ->
- RT @benicus_rex: it was the on fleek of times, it was the can't even of times ->
- TWITTERS do I go see Jay Malinowski on 13th October or go see Cemetary of Splendour as planned? ->
- I mean, I already have my ticket for Cemetery of Splendour but JAY MALINOWSKI. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I have just discovered that one of my favourite musicians is playing the same night as an LFF film I have a ticket for in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @tambourine Is it because you are worrying about not sleeping rather than just lying in the dark chillaxing? in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine (I mean, I don't really know about not sleeping so that is my guess) in reply to tambourine ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Cemetery of Splendour and Jay Malinowski in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @tambourine augh the poorly timed villainous second wind. in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2015-10-03