Tweets for 2015-10-10
October 11, 2015
- RT @George_Berridge: The Times, in an attempt to out-The Times The Times, has launched a Latin crossword. (via @DJack_Journo)… ->
- @ChrissieM And sometimes it's in September in reply to ChrissieM ->
- RT @SamBaker: Great piece by @helenLohara in how all too often "strong female character" translates as "sole female character"… ->
- @LFFstubs 5 hours? wow #lff in reply to LFFstubs ->
- RT @chrissywilliams: Her exact words to me were "I'm just holding this while Batman's in the toilet". ->
- 74% of 92 women isn't really a lot of people ->
- @dreaminred haha it's not that small in reply to dreaminred ->
- RT @MCabournSmith: I enjoyed this a lot. ->
- Mum: "what's an instagram?" Me: <explains instagram> Mum: "It's not facebook?" Me: "Well… " ->
- @thedjangos both have a lot of sole in reply to thedjangos ->
- Going to see Jay Malinowski on Tuesday 13th so my Cemetery of Splendour ticket is going for £16 #LFF ->
- I mean IDEALLY I'd somehow see both ->
- Mum is reading about how rugby works. It's hilarious ->
- Mum's pretty excited about this Wales vs Australia game now ->
- @piratemoggy @charliesaidthat IS IT YR ANNIVERSARY YET? I remember u came out of Halloween name time all en-marriaginated in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Mum's just said that the colour yellow looks more Welsh ->
- Mum's just received a text from someone who says the big game is tomorrow. She asks me which it is & if it's the final. I say no. ->
- They are referring to the Ireland game. "But it's not the final, how is it the 'big game'?" She says. ->
- I remind her that the person she's received a text from is, in fact, IRISH. ->
- Ugh. The dilemma of whether to drive in to London tomorrow to save a 20 min walk at night ->
- RT @eruvadhril: Quoth @Zendarenn: BBC's iPlayer volume going up to 11 will never get old. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies i have a half day that day anyway wooo in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies baby Rupert Evans tho in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
Tweets for 2015-10-09
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