Tweets for 2015-11-09
November 10, 2015
- RT @CountVonCount: Five hundred sixty seven! ->
- @Zendarenn @eruvadhril It's probably not great that I immediately thought about a sea specifically for sex punsters in reply to Zendarenn ->
- RT @MrAdamRex: Story idea: the worst job in history is the time-traveling Secret Service tasked with preserving the timestream and protecti… ->
- @tambourine Is it Diwali yet? in reply to tambourine ->
- @FrogCroakley I dunno, when I attempt to picture Earth doing that the planet is really really huuuuuge and that's a MASSIVE distance in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- @FrogCroakley See I'd probably scale down the time, in the same way that the moving object got scaled down or something in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- @FrogCroakley And if I was my mum, standing and looking at that moving car, I'd think *I* was the one moving. in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- I still kind of wish that Monica Bellucci was 007 ->
Tweets for 2015-11-08