Tweets for 2016-01-17
January 18, 2016
- @tambourine I would def have enjoyed that more in reply to tambourine ->
- Thanks to Seb Stan & the deli I passed in the car last week, at tonight's quiz I correctly identified the Romanian flag. woo ->
- RT @nikki: So, @severedelays is worth following anyway but this on why the Picc line has been so ropy recently is worth a read… ->
- RT @astro_timpeake: I think I found the perfect spot for a #selfie. #spacewalk ->
- RT @bbceurovision: Ahem *clears throat ready for an announcement* #EurovisionUK ->
- @nikki :/ While the technology of SL has improved since then, there are still scary dudes like this there in reply to nikki ->
- @smartmatt @nikki TBH me too. in reply to smartmatt ->
- RT @bbceurovision: #EurovisionUK 2016? YOU DECIDE! We’re bringing a selection show to Semi-Final home @BBCFour! htt… ->
- @smartmatt @nikki Most of the RL businesses have left, the universities aren't really into it anymore & there's no movie tie-in stuff now… in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt @nikki but as a social community it's doing ok and the inworld user created stuff is great in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt @nikki (of course if you're not into finding nice outfits & robot hands for your av or visiting post apoc sims then…) in reply to smartmatt ->
- @grrlinterrupted time travel soz in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @nikki omg. in reply to nikki ->
- RT @miss_s_b: Time to burn? The Internet Archive just added 2300 MS-DOS Games you can play for free via @delicious ->
Tweets for 2016-01-16