Tweets for 2016-02-26
February 27, 2016
- @KirstieBayb_ @bigfinish @vlavla It is SO GOOD in reply to KirstieBayb_ ->
- RT @JarettSays: Oh my God, the kicker in VF's Jennifer Garner interview is 🔥🔥🔥 ->
- RT @frankturner: Help for @ChuckRagan family, donate if you can: ->
- Eurovision time! 😀 ->
- RT @bbceurovision: When someone mentions Brexit and #Eurovision in the same sentence #EurovisionUK ->
- @narkspud Is it at a different time to the BBC4 broadcast? in reply to narkspud ->
- @narkspud I guess that makes sense, tho still annoying in reply to narkspud ->
- I feel like all Eurovision songs improve with nearly a years distance – this is better than I remember #EurovisionUK ->
- I'm not sure that any of our options are "mesmerising" #EurovisionUK ->
- @dreaminred Does it not? There's the whole eugenics thing, the Bashir issue, inter-species fertility issues. HMM I will need to investigate in reply to dreaminred ->
- @mainereasons #EurovisionUK is the one the BBC Eurovision twitter is using, so I guess that one in reply to mainereasons ->
- Is Dulcima's song bad cos she's singing a different version to the rest of the band? #EurovisionUK ->
- @jaydbp I think they're hopped up on Eurovision joy #EurovisionUK in reply to jaydbp ->
- Ahhhh I remember Bad Boys Inc ahahahaha #EurovisionUK ->
- Well at least he can sing in tune with the rest of the song #EurovisionUK ->
- RT @narkspud: This is (a) pretty bad and (b) a billion times better than the first one.
- @dreaminred …apart from the issue where warp drive damages space esp within solar systems? Is this thing only about the new films? in reply to dreaminred ->
- Darline are way better than Dulcima, also cos they sing in tune with each other. #EurovisionUK ->
- @dreaminred I think this guy is wrong. ok Eugenics War was covered in the books, but Dr Bashir was genetically modified & that had an ep in reply to dreaminred ->
- @dreaminred and cloning & stuff was addressed in the show. I guess he only means robots & not holographic lifeforms or non-humanoid AIs in reply to dreaminred ->
- Ugggh why are there no fast songs? Does Lund's song speed up in a bit? #EurovisionUK ->
- @MarkTalksTelly or if it broke out into a faster-paced disco number in reply to MarkTalksTelly ->
- @dreaminred THIS GUY CLEARLY ONLY WATCHES THE ORIGINAL SERIES. in reply to dreaminred ->
- NO (skirt) CAPES #EurovisionUK ->
- so the choices are kind of boring folk or kind of boring regular flavour pop? #EurovisionUK ->
- I guess Dulcima were on first so they would look less bad than if we'd heard everyone else first #EurovisionUK ->
- RT @shoutingtelly: Is he playing a small guitar or a large ukulele? #EurovisionYouDecide #EurovisionUK ->
- Mel seems a bit obsessed with the performers clothes being torn off #EurovisionUK ->
- Can't we just get Katrina to have another go? #EurovisionUK ->
- RT @charlotteruncie: I do like Joe and Jake but they are *tiny bit* like One Direction: Austerity Edition #EurovisionYouDecide ->
- SO what are the best options so far from other countries? #EurovisionUK ->
- @growlery Is it one of those that take a couple of weeks to kick in? in reply to growlery ->
- Still think Katrina & the Waves should be this year's #EurovisionUK entry ->
- RT @schlagerfiasko: Katrina upstages everyone. #eurovisionuk #eurovision ->
- RT @fgreen111: Lets send katrina #eurovisionuk ->
- RT @Karl_Downey: Katrina to win!!! #EurovisionUK #EurovisionYouDecide ->
- RT @mari_0_0: 19 years later Katrina's song is better than the current ones #EurovisionUK ->
- RT @Carrdashian25: Gwan Katrina! Can we just send her again? #EurovisionUK #EurovisionYouDecide ->
- RT @jessicaa0820: Where can I vote for Katrina? #EurovisionUK ->
- @katbrown Haha there wasn't that much of a choice between all of them though was there? in reply to katbrown ->
- RT @bbceurovision: WINNERS @JoeandJakemusic are going to Stockholm! #EurovisionUK #EurovisionYouDecide ->
- WHAT IF there was just a supergroup of ALL six entrants? #EurovisionUK ->
- @usayJepic Jedward were Ireland's entry though right? So they probably can't be the UK entry. in reply to usayJepic ->
- Might have discovered that Jedward's youtube channel is full of them doing covers. Might be listening to that instead of #EurovisionUK now ->
- RT @PigeonJon: We're beginning to Suspect our mate Massive Carl is not actually a Pigeon. ->
Tweets for 2016-02-25