
Tweets for 2016-06-28

  • @piratemoggy I think my worst self is eating heart-shaped rose & tea biscuits after 1am in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • RT @1001cranes: Person A helping Person B get their house/job/life together only to realize they've both accidentally made space for Person… ->
  • @piratemoggy also a packet of roast chicken crisps and it is combining to be a bit weird in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • @piratemoggy they are so tasty but i think maybe i prefer the ones with lavender in more in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • @piratemoggy i had an excellent lime, cucumber and mint fizzy drink the other day in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • @piratemoggy gingeerrrrr and pineapple and lime omggggg in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • I am pretty much going to go to sleep thinking about how Velma Dinkley & Laura Barton are played by the same actress again ->
  • @piratemoggy JAM. I have pineapple jam in the cupboard and I should do something with it like TARTS or something in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • @PrairieHamster It was the one with that guy from Downton Abbey in and that lady who was Jane Eyre that one time. And Richard E Grant in reply to PrairieHamster ->
  • RT @anatsuno: “Machine learning is like money laundering for bias.” – @baconmeteor, did I ever tell you you’re a hero of mine?
    https://t.c… ->
  • Are we at the point where I rally my Rachel Army and install myself as president yet? ->
  • Or Grand High Rachel, as perhaps the title should be really ->
  • RT @_quartetship_: Girls don't like boys, girls like long kudos emails from Archive of Our Own dot org ->
  • ok it's been like 5 months now but I have JUST remembered I've got a screen that doens't have a tiny insect trapped in it anymore ->
  • RT @laurenlaverne: So @JulianSimpson1 pointed out that Nigel Farage and Keanu Reeves are the same age and now I can't stop screaming #final… ->
  • ONCE AGAIN wondering how a ladies 2XL t-shirt is the same size as a mens M and that there are no more sizes after that in ladies ->
  • Not that the general shape of ladies tshirts work out for me anyway. ->

half-girl, half-robot