Tweets for 2016-07-11
July 12, 2016
- RT @jfruh: real talk: we're definitely seeing a ST:TNG "the game" scenario playing out with pokemon go right now, right ->
- RT @SophieWarnes: Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy.
I've come home. I'm so cold!Â
Let me in-a-your window -> - RT @LibyaLiberty: Remember when the worst news coming out of the U.K. was horse meat in the IKEA meatballs? Yeah, I miss those days. ->
- RT @LibyaLiberty: "Awfu! We were consuming horse meat unknowingly! How will British society recover from this crisis? This is what rock bot… ->
- @FrogCroakley Is goat-drawn chariot an option? in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- @DHLinton y totally. sort of. in reply to DHLinton ->
- RT @Hal_Duncan: Theresa May to be played by Tilda Swinton in the movie of Britain's collapse into oh wait that's Snowpiercer isn't it? ->
- RT @haribopeep: what a time to be ALIVE ->
- RT @Pinboard: All I want is the augmented reality version of Neko Atsume ->
- RT @FrChrisJamison: St Benedict patron of Europe to new PM: Temper all things so the strong may have something to strive for and the weak… ->
Tweets for 2016-07-10