twitter Tweets for 2016-07-22 July 23, 2016 @rachelgeorge YOU ARE THE GREATEST OF US in reply to rachelgeorge -> RT @danthat: The trouble is that idiots like me grew up to have children, and now have unfettered access to toy companies… -> RT @AmericanGodsSTZ: "You haven't lived 'til you see @GillianA as I Love Lucy saying 'You want to see Lucy's tits?'" – @neilhimself #Coniva… -> RT @adambvary: #CivilWar screenwriter McFeeley: "I do NOT think the only way you get stakes is to kill somebody. It's lazy writing." Big ap… -> herdivineshadow half-girl, half-robot Previous Tweets for 2016-07-21 Newer Tweets for 2016-07-23