Tweets for 2016-08-07
August 8, 2016
- @growlery the fencing was exciting in reply to growlery ->
- RT @bdsams: Someone was able to break a skype bot. ->
- @daniel_barker uuuuh well we stayed at the Bailbrook House Hotel but I got a good deal on it. The breakfasts were AMAZEFACE in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @textsfrommum: BEEF ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I barely remember the recipe I used to use, only that I managed to not poison 50 people with it in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I'm just glad I don't have to cook for that many people at once any more. I feel like yours is probably tastier than mine in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- Kind of want both GB & Singapore to win this ping pong match ->
- RT @EmmyA2: here's a bear who won't let go of the ranger who saved him from a forest fire, have a great day (h/t @Rob_Flaherty) https://t.c… ->
- @adjaruli @charliesaidthat BEAR in reply to adjaruli ->
Tweets for 2016-08-06