
Tweets for 2016-08-29

  • RT @sankles: This article is me. People always think I'm veggie/vegan because I don't drink. THERE'S NO BEER IN MEAT @thepooluk https://t… ->
  • Trying to remember if the reason I don't eat Omega-3 chicken is because it tastes fishy ->
  • @RonniPudding that is the worst in reply to RonniPudding ->
  • @BenMorse Or like, google the places u don't know, learn something new and just wait until they come closer to u at a later date in reply to BenMorse ->
  • RT @ewout: @Pinboard The "help with password recovery" of our university links to the support ticket system, for which you need the passwor… ->
  • Not sure I am ever going to remember German word genders ->
  • Or the different case endings ->
  • Just realised that not only do I have a whole bunch of days off in October, that's when half-day Fridays starts yessss ->
  • RT @EldritchSwift: you got that james dean daydream look in your eyes. you got that paul newman once-human tongue in your mouth ->
  • Sea bass. ->

half-girl, half-robot