
Tweets for 2016-09-04

  • Watching the canonisation of Mother Teresa. Things I like:
    1) Latin
    2) Nuns wearing baseball caps on top of their wimples ->
  • RT @BBCBreaking: Pope Francis declares Mother Teresa a saint at a ceremony in the Vatican attended by tens of thousands of people https://t… ->
  • I also like how the Vatican livestreams everything ever ->
  • RT @MattAndersonBBC: Things native English speakers know, but don't know we know: ->
  • RT @anna_bayla: My favorite bible story is when instead of telling women to dress modestly, Jesus tells his dudes to avoid lust by plucking… ->
  • Mum has just discovered that the video she's watching isn't just the canonisation, it's also normal Sunday Mass at the Vatican ->
  • @growlery this is amazing in reply to growlery ->
  • @Geeks_Boutique Seems reasonable in reply to Geeks_Boutique ->
  • RT @anatsuno: More from Language Log on this adjective order in English thing @yue_ix ->
  • Civil War basically just reinforces a bunch of the reasons why I don't like Tony Stark ->
  • I was thinking about this because I'm not keen on Bruce Wayne & it's like I'm just against rich white genius orphans ->
  • @sebpatrick Also what about the Austrian police, aren't they interested since the explosion was in Vienna? in reply to sebpatrick ->
  • I know this is a thing everyone knows but Tony Stark has an amazing lack of control so maybe if they just imprisoned him for making Ultron.. ->
  • @ctjhill sometimes I wonder about how out of touch they are with the reality of life for regular people in reply to ctjhill ->
  • @ctjhill like rules are for other people, whereas I'm fine with heroes who are like ok this is illegal but I'm doin'git & maybe get arrested in reply to ctjhill ->
  • @ctjhill which, thinking about people who grew up wealthy, has reminded me of an amazing Cap & Kim Kardashian fic: in reply to ctjhill ->
  • @AnnLarimer yeah, maybe they could bring forward the Tony explores space thing and give Earth a break for a bit in reply to AnnLarimer ->
  • @ctjhill that is exactly what I thought in reply to ctjhill ->
  • As good a film as The Railway Man is, it's really odd to think that that stuff happened to people on both sides of my family ->
  • RT @roddenberry: Majel's voice is recorded phonetically, &we're working to get her voice for things such as Siri, maybe voice of the comput… ->

half-girl, half-robot