
Tweets for 2017-01-31

  • so I have 6 days of holiday left this financial year and say to my mum "shall we go to Jersey?" ->
  • She asked if was cold there. I said "uhhh might rain?" (you would think she'd know I am not the person to ask since I wear t-shirt all year) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
  • In conclusion, I don't think we're going to Jersey. OTOH Mum is insisting we go and see sharks. I…am not sure why in reply to herdivineshadow ->
  • (Me: There are sharks at the London Aquarium. Mum: How come you never mentioned this before? Me: You never expressed interest?) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
  • In other news, today my Mum discovered that there is an aquarium in London. WHO KNEW? (other than me and like loads of people) ->
  • RT @greystmagpie: Hey, #Asheville! Know anyone looking for a #writer, #engineer, or #artist (commissions welcome)? Send me a message! No as… ->

half-girl, half-robot