Tweets for 2017-09-02
September 3, 2017
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Brit 1: "What time are you getting here?"
Brit 2: "When do you want me?"
Brit 1: "Whenever you fancy"
Brit 2: "When woul… -> - RT @Ghostwoods: The salient bits of those new Twitter terms & conditions.
Literally the worst, most flagrant rights-theft I've seen in Ts… ->
- RT @Pinboard: Google’s promise to not scan Gmail for targeted ads is apparently only temporary: ->
- @ErisLovesMovies SO, the thing is, I…don't get any in my mentions in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Perhaps! Or I just got lucky or something. Now, if only I could spread this to you too! in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @grrlinterrupted Haha I do not watch the mighty cake show so I had not ->
- @faintdreams @charliesaidthat @adjaruli @aghvesagirk Don't know if Milo counts as hot chocolate, but a Milo dinosau… in reply to faintdreams ->
Tweets for 2017-08-31