
Tweets for 2017-12-29

  • RT @cleolinda: Does no one even remember Strange Days anymore? That last scene is one of my favoritest movie kisses ever. YES GET YOUR HEAD… ->
  • @grrlinterrupted you mean like blogging yeah? well I still have my LJ, I have dreamwidth and I use a self-hosted in… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
  • RT @RealSexyCyborg: Just like you folks in the West eat authentic Chinese food, here in China we have authentic Western food- like Coffee C… ->
  • RT @NASA: A supermoon is coming! On Jan. 1, the full Moon will be at or near its closest point in its orbit around Earth, making it a super… ->
  • RT @luciferaseferin: I wish ‘squick’ hadn’t fallen out of use. I think peoples tendency to call something ‘triggering’ instead of saying it… ->
  • RT @penceyz: stop calling teenagers millenials

    like the youngest millenials are 23 years old

    and the oldest are 40 years old

    youre thin… ->

  • RT @COLORnMATT: 2017 is ending pretty bad for us. Dexter and Zola went missing December 24th. Had collars/tags w/ our phone numbers on them… ->

half-girl, half-robot