Tweets for 2018-02-10
February 11, 2018
- RT @brianbeutler: So, what he’s saying–hear me out–is that not standing up during a ceremonial event is one way to protest something unrela… ->
- @grrlinterrupted i am waiting for it to be on tv cos I enjoy looking at Cavill's face in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I have seen photos! I feel like I read that the producers of Count of Monte Cristo told his mum th… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @charlenelydon: Incredibly sad news. What a wonderful composer. ->
- ugh migraine. I do not get them as bad as I used to, and I know far less worse than some of my friends, but still. ->
Tweets for 2018-02-09